Women Are Equal To Men And Should Be Able To Do Any Job They Want

"She Believed She Could, So She Did"

Some people believe that men and women are equal and women should be able to do any job they want. Others feel that men and women are not equal and therefore there are certain jobs which are not suitable for women.

What is your opinion?

Sample Answer

These days people have a different perspective on the topic of equality of men and women. Many of them believe that they are equal, so women should be empowered to do whichever job they are willing to do. On the other hand, a significant number of people still practice gender inequality and underestimate women’s competence and strength. In my opinion, the act of judging women and fitting them into one image, just because of their gender, is an example of stereotyping, so it is a wrong practice. Whether you go by physical strength or mental ability, women have proved their potential in every aspect one can even imagine.

Let’s consider examples of those women who have shown their strength to the world and set an example for all of us.  One such example is Mary Kom, a legendary boxer who has won 6 world titles besides holding five Asian titles. A list of such stellar performers includes Harshini Kanhekar, a daredevil firewoman, who became India’s first fire-fighter. Being a paragon trucker she is capable of driving huge fire trucks along with handling and lifting heavy equipment. Her example forces us to question our preconceived opinions against women.

Even if you ask for an example of the women who have demonstrated their surpassing mental abilities, there are plenty of them. Tania Sachdev belongs to this category. She is an international master chess player and a globally acknowledged woman grandmaster. Besides this, she has the prestigious Arjuna award in her kit. Moreover, she is ranked the 67th woman chess player in the world. The next lead is Susan Solomon from Chicago, an atmospheric scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, who helped to find out the causes behind the hole in the ozone layer. Her hard work helped to ban chemicals such as aerosol propellants.

In brief, we can say it is a myth that women are meant for specific jobs. They are an excellent example of adaptability, endurance and compassion. The examples which have been mentioned earlier, not only describe their ability to achieve their goals but also, how to overcome any obstacle that appears during the course.

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