Cambridge 15 - Test 3 - Writing Task 1- Process - How instant noodles are manufactured.


Sample Answer

The diagram illustrates how instant noodles are made. 

It can be clearly seen that there are eight steps involved starting with keeping flour in the storage silos and ending with the labelling of the final product noodles.

First, the flour has been pumped into storage silos from a truck. Further, it is transferred into a mixer and other ingredients like water and oil are added to it to turn it into the dough. Then, the dough is flattened into sheets with the help of rollers. These sheets are cut into many thin long strips.

Next, these are passed to round-shaped moulds. Once the cooking oil is mixed, the process of drying starts. Then these noodles are ready to be packed in cups with an assortment of vegetables and spices, which add flavour and aroma to the noodles.  The cups are sealed and packed with attached labels and ready for distribution, in the final stage. 

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