Importance of Adjectives

Importance of Adjectives – What impact can an adjective have on your language!

Adjectives are useful because they...
  1. describe a person, place, or thing
  2. tell more about a person, place, or thing
  3. make sentences more engaging
  4. affect the delivery of  sentences
Being an important element of a language, adjectives can make any conversation interesting. If we talk casually without emphasising much about the qualities of a subject, it becomes quite bland, and listeners don't find our conversation engaging. Not to mention, the use of adjectives in crafting a writing piece is crucial to immersing the reader in a rich and detailed world. By carefully selecting and using descriptive adjectives, a writer can paint a vivid and captivating picture in the reader's mind, allowing them to fully engage with the text and experience it in a more personal and meaningful way. For instance, reading any descriptive story will always be full of describing words that make a visual and vivid portrait emerge in our minds. It grabs our attention, arouses curiosity in us and makes that writing piece more appealing. Let's take an example :

1) She spends most of the time at her friend's house.

2) She enjoys spending quality time in the cosy and loving ambience of her friend’s house.

Interesting, isn't it? 

#Top 25 Adjectives

1.           Boisterous: - someone who is energetic, cheerful, and noisy.

·       After a few drinks , he became rather boisterous

2.           Persistent:- trying to do something in a determined but often unreasonable way.

·       The coach was persistent when trying to recruit new athletes for the team.

3.           Unassuming:-  someone who is not arrogant or seeks attention.

·       The student’s unassuming behavior meant that the teacher hardly noticed her.

4.           Intimidating :- making someone feel frightened or afraid.

·       During our first meeting, the new boss was intimidating.

5.           Pragmatic:- solving a problem in a sensible way by taking a realistic approach.

·       The team was pragmatic in approach to solving difficult issues.

6.           Pretentious:- someone who tries to appear smarter than they really are

·       He is so pretentious when he’s talking about art. I can’t stand to be around him.

7.           Cynical :- belie that other people are motivated by their own self interest.

·       She has always been so cynical when it comes to politicians.

8.           Cocky: showing confidence in an arrogant and often unpleasant way.

·       Nobody wanted to see him win because of his cocky attitude.

9.           Conceited: too proud of one’s actions or abilities.

·       She is so vain she is always looking at herself in the mirror

10.        Diplomatic:- having the ability to avoid offending others or hurting people feelings.

·       You are such a diplomatic manager, I couldn't believe how you handled this sensitive situation.

11.        Affable :- friendly or easy to talk to

·       Being affable he is able to win everyone's heart.

12.        Chatty:- talking a lot in a casual or informal manner.

·       Chatty people are the most difficult one to deal with if you want some alone time.

13.        Klutz:- someone who is a little clumsy, foolish or awkward.

·       If she is pretty good at the dance that doesn't mean I am a complete klutz on the dance floor.

14.        Ubiquitous:- existing or being everywhere.

·       I was under his ubiquitous influence.

15.        Cumbersome:- difficult or burdensome

·       He demanded all kinds of cumbersome, silly requirements, and prerequisites which made procedure scuttled in between.

16.        Facetious:- fuh-see-shoush= not meant to be taken seriously

·       I don't even try to answer his facetious inquiries.

17.        Arduous:- ahr- joo –aus –requires strenuous efforts

·       The process was a bit more arduous than I had thought.

18.        Presumptuous:- showing lack of respect by doing something you       shouldn’t be doing.

·       Please don't  think I am presumptuous as I  want to offer some advice.

19.        Pensive: deep or serious thought

·       Why does he seem so pensive today?

20.        Circuitous- cir- cu – I –tuhs- not straight or direct

·       He always prefers a circuitous route home.

21.        Conscientious - kon- shee-en-shuhs- morally responsible for doing work carefully and treating others with respect.

·       You are a conscientious worker and an asset to our company.

22.        Meticulous:-  showing great attention to details.

·       He is meticulous with his design.

23.        Convoluted:- difficult to follow

·       My grammar explanations are not convoluted

24.        Uncanny:- strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way.

·       What can you do with her uncanny feeling that she was being watched.

25.        Lonesome:- causing a feeling of loneliness

·       The abandoned palace looked so lonesome

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