How To Cope With Coronovirus Anxiety - ( COVID - 19 )

List Of Easy to Follow Ways To Cope With Anxiety During Coronavirus

When we compromise with our mental or emotional health, negativity creeps in. Sometimes we land up to the traumatic situation and find ourselves unable to deal with that. But taking care of ourselves should be a priority. During the spread of COVID19, a large number of people are suffering from anxiety issues more than ever. So, besides taking all preventive measures, self-care is also crucial to combat Covid-19 worry. 

  • To achieve that, we need to be engaged in activities like prayer, yoga, mindfulness, aerobics, morning walk, reading, or other pleasurable hobbies. It's advisable to take a deep breath, meditate or stretch out, and take care of the body. 
  • Developing healthy eating habits, and having a home-cooked balanced meal will boost our immunity. Moreover, these pursuits help us to recoup our well-being and to stay calm and composed. 
  • Though social media and news channels keep us updated, yet create panic subconsciously. Therefore, we should learn how to differentiate between genuine and fake news. This will help us to stay hopeful.
  • Staying connected with our loved ones gives a therapeutic effect and produce happy hormones. Keeping in touch with friends and family is always a good practice.
  • Best is if we could engage in acts of kindness and increase our positivity as well as strengthen our inner power. Trusting each other helps in Community bonding. When we have people to count on then a sense of security provides us with a healthy environment.
Here is a promise we need to make ourselves, that we will always stay connected with our soul, family and friends. We will take care of our mental as well as physical health. We will have faith that everyone will be soon healed. What we experience is the product of our thoughts, so we won't be dismayed and always think positive.

"COVID 19, invisible, uninvited
taught numerous lessons and our mind ignited

we now know life is short
express, ponder, reflect on what we've got

Nature provides us with all that we need
but desire can't be fulfilled with insatiable greed

Act of disrupting nature is what we are paying for
but the lessons are still to be taken in, as the breaking of nature's laws is increasing more

Wake up and act human are the only ways
to heal what we've hurt by ending insipid race "


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