How Much You Know About Nouns ? - Check !

Exercise On Nouns: 

APoint out the nouns in the following sentences and identify their types:
  1.  There was a huge crowd waiting to start their protest.
  2.  Truth reveals itself gradually, so don't worry and stay positive.
  3.  You won't find anyone who doesn't admire someone's honesty.
  4. The teacher ordered the arrogant pupil to go out of the class.
  5.  This elephant's strength is immense.
  6.  Soloman was a fabulously wealthy king of the United Kingdom of Israel who was famous for his wisdom.
  7. Better you take care of cleanliness and hygiene during the spread of COVID - 19.
  8.  He has not seen a fleet of ships in the dock yet.
  9.  The class is curious to know about their new English teacher.
  10.  A committee of six people is ready to look into the matter.
  11.  Everyone knows the name of our first president.

For Reference


Definition of a noun we have been learning since class one. Yes, this is the same as naming words. This name could be of a person, a place, an animal, even of a feeling or an idea.
"A noun is the name of a person, an animal, a place, a feeling, an idea or a thing."

Noun: It's five Types

Proper Noun:- If we talk about the particular person, thing, place then we call that by a specific name, which is called Proper Noun. For example - India, Australia, Steven Covey, Jim Rohn, Napolean Hill, Paulo Coelho.

Note:- Proper nouns always begin with a capital letter. Proper Nouns are sometimes used as Common Nouns : as 
1. He was the Lukman of his age. (Lukman refers to the wisest man)
2. Kalidas of India is often called the Shakespeare. (Shakespeare was a legendry author)

Common Noun:- The names, we use in general to refer to people, places or things are called common nouns. For example - student, boy, girl, man, woman, river, bird, mountain, pen, garden, road.

Collective Noun:- The names we use to refer a group of people, animals or collection of things are called Collective nouns. For example - a bunch of keys, a bundle of sticks, a fleet of ships.

Abstract Noun:- The name of an idea, a feeling, a concept, or a state of being is called an abstract noun. For example - beauty, trust, love, faith, confidence.

Material Noun:- The name of matter or a substance used to make stuff is called a material noun. For example - wood, silver, gold, iron.

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