Do You Find Phrases Difficult ? - Learning Is Made Simple Here

A group of words that do not have a subject or a verb. 

Phrase :- A group of words that do not have a subject or a verb. It functions as a meaningful unit within a sentence.

Let's check what you know:

A. Underline the phrases in the following sentences.
  1.  On a rainy day, you can see a rainbow in the sky, if you are lucky enough.
  2.  Let me take a nap for a while.
  3.  See those two girls are standing there, I met them yesterday at the fair.
  4.  The hot air balloon is going higher and higher.
  5.  Can you see the moon through the cloud?
  6.  My mother is standing on the roof to dry out the clothes.
  7.  Due to heavy rainfall, its flood everywhere.
  8.  She is a very welcoming and approachable person.

Types Of Phrases:
  1. Adjective Phrase:- It's a group of words that does the work of an adjective. In the given examples, you will notice a phrase is describing the noun. 
    1.  The magistrate was a man of great wealth.
    2.  The milkman was a man with a kind heart.
    3.  I used to live in a house built of stones.
    4.  These people belong to the tribe dwelling in the hills.
    5.  I want to look at the face wearing a smile always.

 I. Pick out the Adjective Phrases in the following sentences:
 a. A person in great difficulty found in the market.
 b. How could he be a man of very considerable renown?
 c. Wild beasts in small cages need to be taken out.
 d. A man with few friends often has fewer enemies.
 e. A lawn with fresh shady trees looks beautiful.
 f. In a low voice, he told the scandalous stories of his high connections.
 g. You are a man of your words, so I trust you.

II. Fill in the blanks with the suitable adjective phrase.
 a. Our ancestor used to consider an elephant __________ a sacred animal.
 b. Birds _______________ flock together.
 c. Nobody lives a life___________ nowadays.
 d. Buy the books__________ for children.
 e. He proposed her with a ring ________.
 f. Jim Rohn was a great motivator and spoke words ______.
 g. The leaves of ___________ are yellow.
 h. Yesterday night we heard the sound of________.
 i. As he was innocent so the verdict __________was in his favour.
 j. The water_________ is very clean and clear.

2. Adverb Phrase:-A group of words that works as an adverb in a sentence is called the adverbial phrase. Like an adverb, it can also modify an adjective, verb or another adverb.

  • He walks quickly.   (Adverb: quickly)   
  • He walks with great speed.   (Adverb Phrase: with great speed)
  • He is coming now.           (Adverb: now)   
  • He is coming at the very moment. (Adverb Phrase: at a very moment)
  • Have you ever thought of living abroad?  (Adverb: ever, abroad)
  • Have you at any time thought of living in a foreign country. (Adverb Phrase: at any moment, a foreign country)

III. Fill in the blanks with suitable Adverb. Then rewrite the sentences, replacing those with proper ADVERB PHRASE.
  1. He ____________ accepted the promising offer of the new company. 
  2. She____________ waited for her turn to come.
  3. She ____________ asked if I could leave the meeting in between.
  4. I woke my daughter ________, so she would not get irritated.
  5. She performed __________ well in the exams.
  6. Raj being a determined person _______ quit even under duress.
  7. I drove ________ as one patient was sitting on the back seat.
  8. She is vulnerable, you can convince her __________.

3. Noun Phrase:  A noun phrase is a group of words that works as a noun in a sentence.
  1. Where is the owner of the dog?
In this sentence, the owner of the dog is a noun phrase.

Nouns with modifiers are called Noun phrases. 

Noun phrase as a subject
  • The spotted puppy looks so happy when it's with you.
  • The ancient people would have never imagined the luxurious lifestyle people have today.

Noun phrase as an object
  • At the seashore, I saw an unusual creature.
  • I want complete book series, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard for Christmas.
Noun phrase as a prepositional object
  • Mischel lives in the unconventional house.
  • Joseph drives to a terrible workplace every day.

IV. Choose the suitable Noun Phrase from the given list for the following sentences:

  1. His father wanted__________________
  2. The wicked people loves_________________.
  3. The honest man intends _________________
  4. He dislikes ______________________
  5.  I should have hated ______________________
  6.  who has ever tried ______________________?
  7.  ______________ leads to good action.
  8.  He can not refuse _____________.
  9.  ________________________ is a disgrace.
  10. _____________________________does not give me any pleasure.

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