Vocab Test for IELTS aspirants

Vocabulary - Test and Learn

The knowledge of the English language is assessed by checking appropriate usage of grammar, complex sentence structure, and use of a wide range of vocab words/phrases/phrasal verbs/idioms.

But it does not come easy, sometimes words slip away or vanish just like that. Often, it happens when we need them most. Contextual reading provides sufficient clues to figure out the meaning of difficult or new words. During writing as well, we have a chance to replace them once we have planned our thoughts. On the contrary, when it comes to speaking, it becomes indispensable to stay calm and let the appropriate vocab come through our mind just in time. But for doing so, practice is a must. Even studies have shown that the more we practice using them, the higher the chances we have to be spot on during assessments.

So for making this possible, here we are with the IELTS-based vocab and phrases list to test your knowledge and help you to learn new words.

1.  Vocab Test For Describing People

2. Vocab Test For Describing Location

3. Vocab Test Of Phrases Related To Job

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