IELTS Writing Task 2: Many people choose to be self-employed rather than to work for a company or an organization

Nowadays, many people choose to be self-employed rather than to work for a company or an organization.
Why might this be the case?
What can be the disadvantages of being self-employed?

Sample Answer

Several people prefer following their passion and turning that into a business instead of working for an employer. Reasons are innumerable for working on their dream, and so its drawbacks are.

Without a doubt, anyone with confidence in their skills and a risk-taking demeanour never follows orders. This is the reason why people work on building themselves as a self-made person and it becomes indispensable for them. Another reason is their attitude towards work, they want to invest in themselves rather than putting their whole energy into making other people successful. Although a charismatic personality with leadership skills always wins employers' hearts, the attitude towards the workplace and colleagues is the most sought-after characteristic, which people lack. In the absence of the right attitude finding a job and staying in a job become impossible, and entrepreneurship remains the only solution. Sometimes lack of education, but not of skill, encourages people to establish themselves as businessman. For example, Jack Ma, a well-known Chinese businessman, was rejected from many job interviews because he didn't have the required qualifications, but today he is one of the wealthiest people in China.

So, having a business opens a window to success even for those who are not qualified enough. Yet, the challenges that come with it can not be ignored. Leading a life as a successful businessperson does not come easy. One has to put all his energy and think out of the box to keep growing. Time for family and friends shrinks to almost zero. As well as decision-making becomes a challenge when it could impact the lives of people with whom one is working. At almost twenty-four-seven, a businessman thinks of the different ways to grow connections and innovative ideas consequently, that might lead to anxiety and health issues.

In general, owning a business can be more financially rewarding than being an employee. However, if the idea of taking risks and putting in extra effort to succeed is overwhelming or if one lacks confidence, then working as an employee may be the better choice.

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