Top 10 Critical Tips To Learn Programming Faster

When it comes to learn programming, people claim it is not a child's play. Still, many of us learn it in no time and that too with mastery. So I would say, it is manageable to learn programming in a short time, but you need to follow some directions. Here, I am mentioning a few critical tips to learn programming faster, which could change the game for new learners. But with one condition, you have to be persistent with your approach if you need fast results. Let's begin with the quick yet easy to follow tips for the same.

  1. Core Concepts Matter Most:- You can't afford to skip over fundamentals of any topic. First, develop your understanding of the basic topics like Variables, Control Structures, Loops, Data Inputs Data types, Syntax etc. In most of the cases, ignoring core concepts land you in trouble later, when you are supposed to be constructing higher-level code using basic concepts. Better you spend more hours and dig deeper while learning the basics, as it will cut down the overall time needed to getting skilled in desired programming language.

  2. Start Writing Simple Program First: - You could start with writing code for basic programs like displaying the custom welcome screen message. It would be your first towards programming and it'll boost your confidence to write next level code eventually. Once you are done with writing small and simple chunks of code, implementing the complex one will be easier.
  3. Dry Run Your Programme:- Dry run seems a complex technical term but it is a simple and effective way to ensure the success of code while running over a machine. It is recommended, first run your programme using pen and paper simply by iterating through each line of your code. It will help you to know the flow of the code. If in the beginning, you do this by hand, then later your mind will become smart enough to trace errors even in code of thousand lines.
  4. Read The Examples And Execute Them:- Try to read and understand the example code, then type and executing  them. Afterwards do experiment with the program by changing a part of the code and analyse how these changes affect the execution. This approach will help you interpret what the code meant for exactly. 
  5. Learn Using Debugger:- After knowing about the importance of dry run, the next step is to learn to use the debugger. It will help you to debug your code line by line. The values of variables, how the code inside the ‘if’ condition or loops is executing could be traced out easily.
  6. Teach others what you know:- It looks quite weird if I say teach your co-learners, but it is the technique, which always helps you to assess your understanding. The first benefit of teaching others is, you put more efforts to go thorough your own concept and on their delivery as to avoid looking amature in front of them. Secondly, it is a known fact, every time you read the same concept, you learn something new out of it. So, teaching is proven to be better ways to improve on your skills.
  7. Search Online For Resources and communities:- Become the member of Online programming forums, participate and ask questions. This approach is very useful and does wonder for your learning. You will have access to the sample codes which will help you grasp the concept you haven't mastered yet. 
  8. Seek Out Professionals' guidance:- If you are stuck in the debugging efforts, then without hesitation ask for help from professionals. They too might have gone through your stage, so won't look down upon you while sharing their knowledge. Moreover, instead of showing you don't understand something, better you rephrase what you understand and then approach the one whom you are seeking for help. If an expert would have idea about what you know, then he / she could answer you more conveniently and accurately. If they will notice, you are putting efforts they will be more willing to help you. In fact, everyone admires a smart, detailed question that exhibits some thinking. 
  9. Practice Regularly:- Whichever method you are using to learn programming, books or online tutorials or classes, without hands-on practice you could achieve nothing. Even if you are at the beginning stage and spending two hours on learning the theoretical concepts, then it is mandatiry that you spend at least half-an-hour on writing and executing code. Once you are done with writing small programs, be the part of mini-projects. The solution will start emerging, if you keep practising.
  10. Keep Your Cool:- It sometimes becomes exhaustive to write, debug or run a Programme no matter how much exciting task it is for you. It's quite common to spend hours to figure out errors in code, that too without much success. It is the time when a programmer even forgets about meals and disrupts his or her entire schedule. A better approach to deal with such a situation is providing your brain with some refreshment from time to time. You may go out and meet your friends, do some exercise, play games. Maintain a balance in everything and keep your cool. This will definitely help you to focus better as well as learn faster.
Stay Positive throughout the learning process, though mental faculties are more in use when we talk about gaining knowledge over new skill, yet psychological aspects we cannot ignore. So, considering the psychological impact on comprehending new programming language here comes the reminder. Stay Positive and never doubt yourself, if you are determined to do something noone can stop you. Learning is a gradual process but you can make it faster and long-lasting if you don’t let stress and anxiety take over your capabilities.
Learning a Programming Language is quite a challenging task for beginners. If the requirement is to learn it fast that too with the confidence, then you need to follow above mentioned Critical tips to learn programming language. In this article we have provided the list of the techniques which would help you to learn it faster as well as efficiently.

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