Writing Task 2 - Use Of The Internet To Socialize - Good Or Bad


The internet allows us to stay connected with each other no matter where we are. On the other hand, it also isolates us and encourages people not to socialize.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with these statements?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer

The internet has proved to be an effective way, using which, despite being busy, people can keep in touch with each other. However, its adverse effects cannot be ignored. I agree that people are more into socializing on networking websites rather than having a personal connection with real ones, and doing so gradually isolates them.

Undoubtedly, the internet has revolutionized the way we stay connected with our loved ones. With our busy schedules, it is often difficult to take time and visit our dear ones. However, the internet has provided us with far better opportunities to stay connected and maintain relationships. Whether it's a quick message or a video chat, the internet allows us to connect with our friends and family instantly, no matter where they are in the world. Even if we have moved far away, we can still feel close to our loved ones and avoid feeling homesick. Thanks to the internet, geographical distances are no longer a barrier to maintaining strong relationships.

Nevertheless, it has been observed, that the people indulging in the internet world have cut their strings from the rest of the world. Finding them on chat or any social website has become easier than connecting over a call or meeting in person. There could be various reasons behind why someone spends long hours in front of a computer instead of forming connections with real people. Firstly, they may spend most of their time with virtual friends due to an inclination towards video games or social media. In today's fast-paced life, people are so engrossed in earning money that they have stopped spending quality time with their loved ones, even during meal times. Instead of interacting and bonding with their family members, they prefer to text their clients, bosses, or colleagues to stay ahead of the competition. However, this behaviour can harm their relationships in the long run and leave them feeling alone in the end. For example, Today's young generation seems to be more connected with their gaming friends than their own family members. They spend long hours playing games which often involve violent content, leading to emotional distress. The trend of getting more likes and followers on social media is prevalent these days, but this practice can cause low self-esteem in people who have fewer followers. As a result, they also begin to avoid socializing with others because they feel unworthy.

In conclusion, it's important to use the internet as a tool, but it shouldn't replace one's real-world interactions. Spending too much time online, giving importance to virtual friends who don't play a significant role in one's life, and socializing with them over the browser can lead to anxiety and cause one to feel disconnected from their real-life relationships.

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