A Way to be happy - Acceptance

You read this poem, and you would find it funny. Or you may wonder how a child imagines and sees everything. But if you analyze it more closely and dig deeper, something interesting would come up. How solicitously we humans are designed, not even a single body part we can move from its place and enjoy its functionality without getting disordered. So, the main point here to be stressed upon is simple 'Be Grateful' to the Almighty who is impeccable and designed our body and surroundings to its best. 

Be glad your hands are by your side

Be glad your hands are by your side

not attached to some other place

for if they were where they are not

you might get troubled a lot

Think of them on your head

and things had accidentally spread

you would be forced to bend too low

with a feeling of regret

Spick and span house would 

exits in your dreams or be a threat

Imagine your back loaded with your hands

now touching your feet or eating food

would be a yoga pose but too dread

Even sneezing would become a blaster

how far could you stretch to clean your miry 

without any disaster 

----Alka Singh

  1. This remind me of a quote by the father of self help industry, Jim Rohn.
    “Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want.”
  2. Life is a blessing so learn from mistakes and mishappening. The other creatures are deprived of the body you have got. Remember how the most beautiful and intellectual creature you have been manifested. Just don't spoil this treasure on others, enjoy what you have though. You are not here to prove anything to anyone. Not even meant to achieve the heights for the sake of showing your worth. Do what you enjoy, and life will lead you to a beautiful destination. Complaints won't lead you anywhere so, accept what's there in front of you, and figure out the best way out. 

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