IELTS Writing Task-2, Views on some educationalists think that international exchange visits will benefit teenagers at the school.

Some educationalists think that international exchange visits will benefit teenagers at the school. To what extent do the advantages outweigh the disadvantage?

International exchange visit under a student exchange program is advantageous according to many of the educationalist. In my view, it's an eye-opening experience and more effective as compared with the challenges that come with it. It works wonder in their cultural enrichment, language learning and gaining independence. Though there are many difficulties which students encounter while they stay in another country, yet it's more for their benefit.

The students get an opportunity to learn about a different country and experience their culture. It helps in enriching their personal development by meeting with new comrades. In fact, it becomes easy for them to understand and increase the tolerance of other cultures. They become more self-reliant and develop a sense of global harmony. That somehow leads them to discern how learning is related to real-life experiences. 

International exchange visit provides them with an educational head start. Their speaking proficiency level increases remarkably, which give a leg up in their future goal. Besides improving language skill, it provides a genuine learning experience which would stay with them for their entire life. The wide range of exposure to the students is the key.

Culture Shock, loneliness and homesickness and expenses are some drawbacks come with this. Missing the family and friends in a foreign land is quite normal. Unfamiliarity with the culture and customs sometimes overwhelms those who are having a lack of emotional balance. It takes a toll on the pocket as, besides admission fees and scholarship, there is plenty of travel involved. Accommodation and other living costs can make it a less charming option to many.

To sum up, without any doubt, studying abroad is a lifetime experience though it comes with some problems. It depends on the mindset if one is determined could find ways to outdo these obstacles as well. 


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