IELTS Writing Task 2 - discuss which approach is right when circumstance are bad - accept it as it is or improve such situations !


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or a shortage of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer

Different people have varying opinions on how to handle negative circumstances. Some suggest that it's better to reconcile with them, while others believe that it's worth accepting the challenges. However, I believe that accepting challenges is the more appropriate choice. But, if a situation is beyond a person's control, it's advisable to stay calm and accept it as it is.

People who prefer not to react during unfavourable situations often understand the complexities and consequences of any action they would take to bring changes in their lives. For example, if someone is in the early years of their career and has family members to take care of, quitting or changing jobs may not be feasible. However, after gaining some experience and developing specific skills in the same job, better job opportunities may arise. Similarly, during the pandemic, many people faced salary reductions but still stayed in the same organization because changing jobs was not an option.

On the other hand, people who believe in living life to the fullest by taking responsibility for their actions and changing outcomes, even when circumstances are unfavorable, have certain habits. Firstly, they constantly put effort into upskilling themselves to have more control over their lives. This keeps them motivated and helps them attract better career opportunities. Secondly, they become more generous since overcoming financial crises helps them understand the importance of giving. Such people exercise self-control against vain desires and don't blame circumstances. They feel self-satisfied and work on making every experience enjoyable. Jim Rohn, the father of the self-help industry, is a great example of someone who led a successful life by embracing challenges and changing his attitude.

In my opinion, deciding to make changes in life and accepting the way things are depends on the situation. It can be discouraging when someone is not successful, but making a hasty decision could only make things worse. However, when a person is young and passionate about their work, taking risks and changing their unsatisfactory workplace can be the right way to live life.

To sum it up, if people don't like what they're going through, they should take action because they're not trees. Accepting the unavoidable external factors that can't be changed is essential, but being inactive about things that can be controlled is a pessimistic approach.

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