IELTS Academic Writing Task 1- Cambridge 15, Test 2


Tourists - visitors, vacationists, sightseers, globetrotters

The graph compares the number of voyagers who went sightseeing on a Caribbean island from 2010 to 2017 in millions. 

Overall, it is evident that the total number of visitors increased dramatically and the number of sightseers staying on cruise ships also upsurged significantly over time. However, the number of voyagers who resided on the island showed a gradual increase with some fluctuations.

In 2010, the total number of visitors was one million. Between 2015 and 2016, the figure remained the same at approximately 2.6 million before increasing dramatically to its peak which was 3.5 million by 2017. 

On the other hand, the figures for tourists who preferred cruise ship expeditions and those who stayed on the island were 0 and nearly 0.7 million respectively, in 2010. The figure for the latter remained the same till 2011 and then it reached its peak at 1.5 million in 2013. After plateaued for three years it dipped slightly and increased back to the same figure.  Whereas the former showed an increment in 2011 and dropped back to zero in 2012, but from there, it upsurged significantly and reached 2 million by 2017. 

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