Is Technology Against Culture Or Technology makes Culture Better?

It is inevitable that as technology advances, traditional cultures will be lost. It seems that we cannot have these two things together.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer

The association between technology and culture has always been a topic of disagreement. Some people dispute that technological advancement has a detrimental influence on culture. But others consider technology as a means of development and do not relate it with the tradition. I partially agree with it and believe, if technology will not be used wisely, it would surely have antagonistic effects on our culture but, technology has also served to improve our lives and mental faculties.  

Technology as a progressive means is, somehow the demand of today. It has provided plenty of opportunities to humankind. We can stay in touch with our friends or family even if we are oceans apart, which was not in our dreams before, without the high-tech means of communication and the internet. Moreover, the masses from rural areas, can reach their customer directly and earn more. Due to better types of machinery and techy tools, they have better ways to increase their production as well as improve upon its quality. In urban areas, while sitting at home, people make conference calls directly to foreign clients, which was hardly assumable earlier. So technology renders time and money, makes us more fortunate in every sense. After all, spending quality time with the family and celebrating festivals together is what our culture stresses on! Besides that, technology has brought various cultures in proximity by reducing distance virtually and they enrich each other even more.

Yet, this can not be denied that technology has brought some drawbacks along. Technology like cell phones is brought to the dining table and relished more than the food. People enjoy checking upon other fellow's lives rather than their family members. Sadly, our young generation has turned towards the same track. They too have mobiles and love to chat, play games and talk with their friends for hours. But they do not know what their close relatives are going through. Besides that, they are seeking social gratification from those, whom they don't even know. They are entangled in a web of untrustworthy people. Another byproduct of technology is money, which is mostly used for showing off purposes, not for upliftment of the community. It won't be an exaggeration if I say the celebration of cultural events has become merely a fancy gesture and has lost its authenticity. Still, here the problem is caused not solely because of technology but by reason of our infelicitous use of it.

In this context, awareness and awakening towards cultural values will be more helpful than to think that we are losing our culture because of the technology. The culprit is the overuse of technology and social media, which has created a hollowness in the user's heart and making them blame technology for the missing part, our soul, our culture.

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