Governments should spend more money on education than on recreation and sports

Governments should spend more money on education than on recreation and sports.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer:

Most of the people believe that the Government should spend more money on education than on recreation and sports. My take on this is positive because a robust education system is the backbone of any nation. Having more educated citizen builds the country stronger in every aspect. Moreover, education brings awareness against the taboos prevailed in the community. History is the witness that the by-products of education: Science, Physical Education, Arts and technology had revolutionized the world.

Education is the primary requirement and should be available to everyone. By hiring more qualified teachers and reducing the fees to affordable prices for unprivileged people, govt. could help in shaping the future of the individuals. Spending more money into it would produce proficient gentry which would further help in the making of the nation. It won't be wrong if we say that the hidden talents of a common man could be enhanced if they would be motivated, supported and guided. Knowledge feeds the young mind with innovative ideas and boosts their creativity and confidence.

Moreover, illiteracy leads the life towards darkness like Taboos, which are the consequence of ignorance, have always impeded the growth of society. For example racism, castism, gender discrimination are some practices which create discrepancies in an institution. Here, education plays a vital role in spreading awareness and eradicating ill practices. Besides illuminating little minds, education paves a definite path towards the upliftment of the community.

Giving more importance to education, in terms of monetary aid would definitely help in the growth of a community as well as the nation. Education, by all means, constructs a better society. Govt. should take a concrete step for providing education to all, besides using different techniques like mid-day meal, free uniform as well as pay attention to their successful execution. Subsequently, raising more amount for the education sector is crucial.

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