How To Cultivate Ethical Values In Our Children?

Who won't be happy after receiving a sincere and respectful reply from a child? I guess, no one would even miss the chance of complementing the parents for raising him/her so well. That means, good parenting also includes cultivation of moral values in the child's subconscious. And if our children are directionless today, we are somehow responsible for that. Unfairly, we blame our kids when we catch them offending others. Now, you decide who needs to be fixed in such a scenario?

Let us see the guidelines we can follow for getting our children in control of their behaviour.

Ask, Don't Assume.
If we find our child's behaviour acceptable, we feel happy. Otherwise, we get anxious and start scolding them without even bothering about the real reason behind their conduct. This would make the situation even worse by diminishing their self-esteem. The best approach would be, to talk to them in private, and ask them, why they behaved inappropriately. Maximum of the kids will answer that they do not know how to react when a disagreeable situation occurs. Others might not even agree that their conduct was really bad. So, it is their lack of knowledge, not the wrong intention which led the situation to that level. Without any doubt, instead of arrogance, guidance would give better results when it comes to teaching the right manners to our kids. Concisely, ask them first and then handle the situation tactfully as well as uncomplainingly.
Set An Example For Them.
Since their tender age, kids follow their parent's footsteps because imitation is their innate quality, and they are a very good observer too. Many psychological surveys have been conducted on this matter and results were always positive. Surprisingly, If we are distressed or fuming on some matter, it affects our kid's mood too. So, before behaving badly either with them or with someone else in front of them, take a pause, and evaluate its outcomes. For sure, if we could exhibit ideal conduct, they wouldn't be faltering in their actions too.

Be Humble and considerate towards them.
Apparently, we feel good when we interact with people who show their concern at the time of our need. So, remember that and don't react furiously with your child. In fact, stay polite with them, even if something quite annoying happens. Gradually, your kids would start listening to you, and no wonder that would be the step, wherefrom they start building trust in you.

Narrate Your Incidents 
The story is an effective medium to deliver important lessons. Moreover, if those are funny and interesting, become engaging for teenagers as well. See, the age they are moving through now, we have already crossed. So, for establishing a connection with them, you need to prepare an exciting blend of your life's experiences with a funny twist. In the end, conclude with the learnings you have gained. In case you don't have much to talk about, gather information about a famous personality who is your kids' favourite. And tell them some motivational yet engaging incidents from those renowned people's life.

Ask About Their Perspective
You need to discuss with them the situation they come across, or any viral news or the recent happening around the world. Knowing their perspective would give you a chance to talk about the different point of views other people may have on the same topic. This will help in enhancing their analytical mental ability. And they could differentiate between suitable or unsuitable conduct efficiently.

Say No For Unsupervised Internet Browsing 
Usually, we fall into a trap when kids show a keen interest in using the internet for collecting useful information. Consequently, we allow them to browse for hours, that too without any supervision from our end. But, such carelessness can lead our kids' life towards the wrong path. There is a plethora of information available on the internet, which is not age-appropriate and misguiding too. So, it is always suggested to read the cyber-security guidelines before letting your kids navigate through the internet.

Involve Kids In Religious Rituals
Earlier people used to involve kids in even the smallest religious ceremonies, which was the best practice for passing the cultural heritage from one generation to another. In the process, children used to learn how to respect elderly people and stay humble with them. Undoubtedly, religious customs bring peace and harmony in a house and inculcate values in kids. 
Show Them Outer World 
Sometimes, children don't know about the society they live in. Knowing about unprivileged and needy people broaden their mindset, and make them grateful for being favourable. Even they are encouraged to be a giver than to be a receiver.
Give a pat on their back for Their Good Deeds
Besides showing them a righteous path, also reward them if they do good to others. Such kind of motivation will definitely help them to practice the same behaviour more often. Many psychological surveys have been conducted on this and shown encouraging results.
Be Their Friend
There is a thin line between being a friend and a loving parent. Though kids adore a loving parent, yet a friend always is the one they confide. So, become their friend if you want to know what is there deep inside their heart. You could easily mould them into the shape you want.
In Brief, it should be every parent's priority to present the right guidelines to their kids. And help them turning into a mature and noble human being who is respectful to others. Act appropriately, and rest assured they will never disappoint you. So, all the best for the beautiful journey of becoming a wonderful parent, and that Legacy would be passed on to further generations. 

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