Modern Technology Is Making People More Sociable - IELTS Writing Task 2

 IELTS Writing Task 2:-

Some people think that modern technology is making people more sociable, while others think it is making them less sociable. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample Answer
Technological changes have impacted human life majorly. While some people look at their negative side, others' opinions are totally in favour of these changes. Technology has made us capable to stay in touch with our dear ones even if they live on the other side of the continent. Yet, relying more on the equipment to stay in touch with close relations, lacks the personal touch, so visiting a friends' place is always praised more. In my views, rather than blaming technology for the disruptions, we need to learn ways to use these gadgets more intelligently.

Earlier, it was nearly impossible to communicate with those who had left their native place in search of a job, and settled somewhere far away. But, now with the invention of technology, the distance is not a barrier for people. Even, sharing information across the globe is possible by a single click now. Our social and psychological needs, along with the hunger for knowledge, can easily be satiated as we can connect with the like-minded as well as knowledgeable groups online. So we can say, our life is simplified with the help of these changes, and socially we have come closer to our loved ones.

On the other hand, people's over-engagement with social networking sites and apps is tearing families apart. Now, people avoid personal meetings with their loved ones and spend more time online. Conflicts between the parents are getting worse because of their negligence towards each other, which is disturbing for our children. And its adverse effect can be seen in their mental state, and increasing cases of such kind also causing disharmony in society. If not used wisely, this technology would become the reason for more vulnerable relations.

Subsequently, to avoid such societal degradation, we need to spread awareness about the importance of moral values and family in one's life. Here, the parents' role becomes more crucial as they are required to be in sync with their family life, in place of peeping into others living. So, they could set an example for their children and channelize more positive energy in them.

To conclude, technology has been invented for making human life simplified not complicated. But, without understanding the beauty of our social interaction, we have started developing addiction with gadgets. So it is advised, use technology, not people, love people not technology. Conscious use of technology is beneficial and helps in blooming our relation.

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