IELTS Letter Writing - Task 1 - Sample

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Ian, an old friend from your schooldays, recently prepared an evening meal for you at his

home, where you also met his wife and two children.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

• thank him for the evening

• explain what you enjoyed about it

• suggest a meal at your house.

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Begin your letter as follows: 


Dear Ian,

How have you been? It was nice catching up with you the other night at your place. Thanks a lot for the delicious meal. I relished all the cuisine equally, yet can not stop myself from mentioning the dessert, which still makes my mouth water. Meeting with your family members was a delight and I am still overwhelmed by their hospitality. 

I remember my last meeting with your kids. They were quite young by then. It was delightful to see how much they have grown and developed since then. Their technical abilities and confidence impressed me greatly. Besides that, I must say it wasn't easy for me to take away my eyes from the beautiful decor of your house.

Ever since I have told my family about our meeting and the wonderful experience I had,  they are after me and want me to invite you for a get-together.  I wanted to check with you to see if you have any free time this coming weekend. My wife and I would love to have you over for dinner, and she's really interested in making something that you love. If you have any favourite dishes or preferences, please let us know so we can make sure to include them!

We are looking forward to meeting you. 


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